Can melatonin relieve anxiety?
Many people take melatonin by the kilogram each year. For some unknown reason people seem to think that melatonin is the magic pill for curing all mental health disorders. For the past two decades, melatonin has been used by insomniacs –now it is being promoted and an antianxiety agent. Many people develop anxiety for a variety of reasons and take melatonin. There are plenty of anecdotal reports on people who regularly use melatonin to treat their anxiety. But does it work?
Surprisingly at doses of 3-14 mg, melatonin has been found to be better than a sugar pill in relieving anxiety that occurs prior to undergoing any type of surgery. Other studies show that it is as good as the short acting benzodiazepine, midazolam. The downside to melatonin is that the effects are short lived and it does not seem to work if the anxiety is due to other causes (Eg panic disorder). Melatonin is available without a prescription and it is relatively safe. So if you have anxiety and have run out of options, try some melatonin. If it works you are in luck and if it does not, you got suckered.