Thursday, April 16, 2015

Alpha lipoic acid for my neuropathy

Will alpha lipoic acid work for my neuropathy?

Because most drugs used to treat neuropathy do not work, many patients are now turning to herbs and other supplements. One agent widely used to treat neuropathy is alpha lipoic acid. There are some diabetics who claim that after taking alpha lipoic acid the paresthesias lessen. Other people claim that the agent can also lower blood sugars and improve insulin sensitivity. In addition, alpha lipoic acid does not have many adverse effects and is a lot cheaper than pharmaceutical products. The agent can be used for several years with minimal problems. 

However, even though doctors do recommend this agent, evidence for its benefits are not solid. The agent does not work immediately. Most people have to wait 6-8 weeks to see a benefit. Secondly in the clinical trials, the doctors used the IV formula and no one knows if the oral formula works because it has not been studied in randomized trials. The recommended dose is 600-1,200 mg per day. For diabetics who have severe neuropathy which has not responded to any medication, this agent may be worth a try. Alpha lipoic acid can be bought from any pharmacy and cost varies from $12-$20 (60 caps), depending on what brand you buy. You do not need a prescription. Final word: I would not buy more than 2 months’ supply- if it does not work within 6 weeks; you are not likely to see any benefit at all.

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