Sunday, April 19, 2015

Melatonin for anxiety relief

Can melatonin relieve anxiety?

Many people take melatonin by the kilogram each year. For some unknown reason people seem to think that melatonin is the magic pill for curing all mental health disorders. For the past two decades, melatonin has been used by insomniacs –now it is being promoted and an antianxiety agent. Many people develop anxiety for a variety of reasons and take melatonin. There are plenty of anecdotal reports on people who regularly use melatonin to treat their anxiety. But does it work?

Surprisingly at doses of 3-14 mg, melatonin has been found to be better than a sugar pill in relieving anxiety that occurs prior to undergoing any type of surgery. Other studies show that it is as good as the short acting benzodiazepine, midazolam. The downside to melatonin is that the effects are short lived and it does not seem to work if the anxiety is due to other causes (Eg panic disorder). Melatonin is available without a prescription and it is relatively safe. So if you have anxiety and have run out of options, try some melatonin. If it works you are in luck and if it does not, you got suckered.

Balneotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Can spa therapy help my rheumatoid arthritis?

In the last two decades, balneotherapy which includes use of natural mineral waters, spas, mudpacks and other soils have been widely promoted for people with all types of arthritis. There are spas and mineral springs in almost every touristic area these days claiming that the therapy can relieve pain and swelling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. There are 1000s of people going each year to the Dead Sea (Israel) and to the famous Bath spas (England) to expose their joints to the miraculous soil and water. But do all these mud packs and other similar therapies work for people with rheumatoid arthritis?

First the facts- spa and related therapies are very expensive. Most mineral spas can charge anywhere from $50-$100 just to soak your joints for 30 mins. Secondly, the spa and natural spring water for health is a billion dollar business. Third, most of the reports on the medical benefits of spas and mineral waters have never been scientifically verified. Finally all the hype you read is written by people who have a vested interest in selling this therapy to gullible and desperate people seeking miracle cures.

The majority of people who undergo spa therapy do feel great while they are soaking their body in the mud and soil. However, while mudpacks and spas do increase joint mobility for a short while, they do not decrease the intensity of pain or swelling.  None of these therapies have long-lasting benefits.

At the moment, there is Zero evidence that balneotherapy can provide pain relief or slow down rheumatoid arthritis. While spas and mud therapies are safe and soothing, they are not cheap. So for people who have money to burn, sure go ahead and fly to Israel or Bath and try out the natural spas for yourself. For those of you who do not have money to waste, do not worry you are not missing out on anything. Save your money for food and other important things in life. You can get the same experience of Bath spa or Dead sea by soaking yourself in dirty warm water mixed with manure in your bath tub at home.

Can i prevent gestational diabetes?

Is there a way to prevent diabetes during pregnancy?

Gestational diabetes occurs in 1-4% of women during pregnancy. The disorder presents with high levels of sugar at some point during the pregnancy. Women who are obese or have a family history of diabetes have a slightly higher risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy. When diabetes develops during pregnancy, the infant grows to a very large size and as a result can be injured at birth or cause injury to the mother during passage through the lower pelvis. So is there a way to prevent gestational diabetes? 

Some people claim that by changing lifestyle one can prevent gestational diabetes. Unfortunately, there is little evidence to support that diet and exercise can prevent development of gestational diabetes. A large study showed no difference in the incidence of gestational diabetes in women who exercised and in those who did not. There is no harm in being active and eating healthy during pregnancy. But do not hold your breath as these
lifestyle changes may not be enough to prevent gestational diabetes.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Alpha lipoic acid for my neuropathy

Will alpha lipoic acid work for my neuropathy?

Because most drugs used to treat neuropathy do not work, many patients are now turning to herbs and other supplements. One agent widely used to treat neuropathy is alpha lipoic acid. There are some diabetics who claim that after taking alpha lipoic acid the paresthesias lessen. Other people claim that the agent can also lower blood sugars and improve insulin sensitivity. In addition, alpha lipoic acid does not have many adverse effects and is a lot cheaper than pharmaceutical products. The agent can be used for several years with minimal problems. 

However, even though doctors do recommend this agent, evidence for its benefits are not solid. The agent does not work immediately. Most people have to wait 6-8 weeks to see a benefit. Secondly in the clinical trials, the doctors used the IV formula and no one knows if the oral formula works because it has not been studied in randomized trials. The recommended dose is 600-1,200 mg per day. For diabetics who have severe neuropathy which has not responded to any medication, this agent may be worth a try. Alpha lipoic acid can be bought from any pharmacy and cost varies from $12-$20 (60 caps), depending on what brand you buy. You do not need a prescription. Final word: I would not buy more than 2 months’ supply- if it does not work within 6 weeks; you are not likely to see any benefit at all.