Sunday, August 16, 2015

Vitamin D for pain relief

Can vitamin D be used to treat pain?

The vitamin D maniacs get up every morning and starting blogging about the virtues of vitamin D. In the last year alone, these maniacs have published millions of blogs indicating that Vitamin D can cure almost every disorder under the sun.

Now to the facts- the majority of anecdotal reports on vitamin D are published by morons who do not have grade 2 education. These blogs are often written on social media sites like Facebook, which has now become the encyclopedia of medicine- most of the advice is bogus and borders on stupidity.

Second vitamin D is classified as a fat soluble vitamin and NOT as an analgesic (pain killer).  Thirdly, vitamin D is never used in any healthcare setting to treat pain.

Over the past few years, there have been some reports indicating that vitamin D may be used to treat chronic painful disorders in adults. Vitamin D is produced in the skin after exposure to sunlight and perhaps it may module pain sensation.

So does vitamin D relieve pain?

Countless studies have been done assessing the benefits of oral and topical vitamin D in people with all types of pain syndromes. The results indicate that you may as well drink your PISS. It does jack shit.

There is not a single study which has unequivocally shown that vitamin D can relieve pain. The few studies which show that vitamin D can relieve pain have been done by doctors who were paid by the manufacturers and these data have not been reproducible by independent investigators.

So if you have weak or thinning of bones, you can take vitamin D but if you have pain, then you will have to try something else. Vitamin D is not a pain killer and is not classified as an analgesic. You can use vitamin D as a pill, lotion, potion, enema, inhaler, suppository or shower with it- it will provide no pain relief – all it will do is bring you more disappointment for being a sucker.

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