Monday, June 1, 2009

Body for life Diet- part 2

The Body for life diet is an enigma. It has less to do with weight loss and more to do with bodybuilding. The book and diet plan place more emphasis on bodybuilding. For most of us- we just want to get rid of a few pounds here and there and could not really care about pumping iron. We have all seen and heard enough about Mr. Schwarzenegger.

The body for life diet plan is all about eating healthy foods and drinking gallons of water. The author even encourages eating mega doses of nutritional supplements from a firm, which is partly owed by the author (this should be a warning to all consumers- recommending a diet plan and then encouraging consumers to buy supplements from his or her store always means one thing-selling junk). All consumers should wonder why there is a need to take supplements when one is eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and nutritious diet.

The body for life diet plan recommends eating non-processed foods. You can eat chicken, turkey, fish (every type) lobster, beef, egg, cheese, every type of carbohydrate and so on.

The bottom line is eating fewer calories and burning more with exercise. At the end of 12 weeks, you have weight loss.

There is not much to criticize about the diet plan. It is sure to appeal to the younger crowd, hyperactive, energetic individuals, and those who want to pursue a body with perfect abs. The one major flaw of body for life diet plan is the amount of exercises required. One cannot spend all day in the gym and no normal person has the time or the inclination to do 1000 push-ups or exercise with a dumbbell 500 times a week. Most overweight people do not even get up to change the TV program if they can’t find the remote-what makes Mr. Phillips think they will lift 300 pounds for 45 minutes 3 times a week?- not a chance.

So what to the experts say about the body for life diet plan? Do not believe everything that Mr. Phillip sells or says. The diet is more geared towards eating a lot and then burning off the calories with intense exercises. There is nothing magical about the diet plan, book, or Mr. Phillips.

For the average person who simply wants to get rid of a few pounds, Mr Phillips body for life isn’t gonna cut it. The diet is simply too good to be true. The diet does not insist on changing behavior on how to eat less. The problem with obesity is within the brain and we all want to know how to suppress the appetite center. Perhaps, Mr. Phillips can maintain a pumped up body with ripping muscles for the rest of life- for me there is only thing that I know is permanent- herpes, if you get it, is for life.

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