Saturday, June 27, 2009

Drugs for weight loss: Part 3

Amphetamines like drug

Some weight loss physicians are returning back to using the amphetamine-like agents which were used in the 1980s. These drugs fell out of favor decades ago because of their potential for abuse and causing physical dependence. Some physicians have been using dextromethorphan in relatively small doses in longer acting forms, closely monitoring patients and having them take the medication consistently every day to reduce the possibility of dependence. The individuals taking these types of drugs require frequent monitoring by the doctor.


There are many individuals who are obese because they just can’t stop eating. The food craving and the binges are strong and preoccupy the mind. In such cases, another type of drug class may help. These drugs help by preventing the food from getting absorbed in the body and may even bust the fatty food which does manage to get absorbed.

Orlistat (Xenical) is the only medication besides sibutramine that has been approved for long-term weight loss use. This drug acts by preventing the body from absorbing a moderate amount of dietary fat. Weight loss from these drugs usually amounts to about 5% to 10% in four to six months. Both drugs have side effects. Xenical often causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps and loose stools. Some individuals may not tolerate these side effects for too long. The drug can also inhibit the absorption of important vitamins and so additional vitamins are recommended.

To ensure that these drugs work, the individual must adhere strictly to a low fat diet. Eating fatty food and taking these drugs defeats the purpose of these drugs.

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