Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cheater's Diet Part 2

On Saturday and Sunday, you can eat all your favorite foods but there is a limit. The cheater’s diet allows one to eat cinnamon buns, peanut butter, cheese, nuts but there is a limit to what you can spurge on. Dr Rivas does go one step further than most other weight loss diets- he also recommends exercise . Dr Rivas recommends that one remain active for at least 5/7 days.

While there is no recommendation for formal exercise, almost any type of outdoor activity like gardening, walking, or snow removal is acceptable. Dr Rivas stresses that when you eat less during the weekdays, your body automatically gets used to the low calorie intake and slows the metabolism. Over the weekends when you eat more, the metabolism increases and you burn off more calories.

The cheater's diet allows one to look forward to the weekends and thus is a goal driven diet. To further help with weight loss, Dr Rivas encourages other health supplements like Yerba Mate, L tyrosine, Cinnamon, green tea extracts and hydroyx tryptophan. He says these health supplements decrease the desire to eat during the weekdays and also help burn off fat.

Dr Rivas diet book sells for about $ 20 - so far everything looks A plus.

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