Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sugar Busters diet

Sugar is bad, it is a poison, it is a toxin, and this is what the Sugar busters diet is all about. You stop eating sugar, all your troubles will be over- and you will be thin. Because sugars are found in many foods, everything has to be omitted from the diet. One cannot even eat certain fruits and vegetables- because sugars are harmful to health.

The authors of Sugar Busters diet claim that by avoiding sugars, this can also lead to lowering of blood cholesterol and will also help control your diabetes more effectively. Once you get rid of sugar in your diet, you will feel great, have tons of energy, and live to one hundred years old (funny, I always thought sugars gave a boost to the brain!)

The sugar busters diet was written by a number of physicians from New Orleans. These physicians observed that the population of New Orleans was grossly overweight and instantly realized it was sugar that was a problem. The great thing about this diet is that there is no need to count calories or even buy a scale. Just decrease the sugar and cut down on size of your portions. These doctors are smart because they do mention that if you continue to eat sugar then no amount of exercise will help you lose weight.

One point of note- this diet is not for individuals who love to exercise, jog, run, or be active. When one exercises, the sugar levels drop and if one is already on this diet with no sugars, then after the gym , you will most likely be taken to the nearest emergency room to get treated for very low sugars in your body.

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