Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cheater's Diet

We have become a society of cheaters. We cheat at everything and on everyone- we cheat on our wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, exams and so on. Now this cheating trend has been extended to our diet. The cheater’s diet is a novel concept on how to lose weight.

The cheater’s diet was created by a physician, Dr Paul Rivas. The diet has two main themes. During the weekdays one limits the calories intakes and then on the weekend one can cheat. Dr Rivas claims that allowing one to cheat on the diet keeps the individual motivated and interested. Allowing one to eat” bad foods” over the weekend also encourages one to sustain the diet- this prevents the hunger pangs.

From Monday to Friday, one eats a very low calorie diet that is very similar to the Mediterranean diet in composition. One eats a few ounces of lean mean, lots of whole grains, sea food, a variety of vegetables and fruits. One is not allowed to spurge on sugar, sweet foods, saturated fats and processed foods. One can drink water but no alcohol. The amount one can eat is not a lot. Only a ¼ of what you used to eat before- and that is very little.

Imagine just eating a quarter of a slice of bread for breakfast?

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