The first
thing you should know is that all malabsorptive procedures are second choice.
You should never ever undergo this procedure as the first surgery for weight
loss. These procedures are complex, take a long time and fraught with serious
complications. They also cost a lot more than the routine lap band or the
sleeve gastrectomy.
procedures alter and divert the digestion process, thus causing food to be
poorly digested, incompletely absorbed and the majority is excreted in the
stool. Malabsorptive procedure were performed widely 30 years ago but
discontinued because of severe complications. The majority of patients did not
even live long from the complications. Over the years, surgery has become
refined and better instruments are available to perform this surgery. There are
several versions of malabsorptive procedures created to prevent absorption of
food. The stomach is not removed but simply bypassed using various surgical