Is Acupuncture
helpful for low back pain?
has been used for the treatment of back pain for many decades. The procedure is
quite simple and involves insertion of very fine needles into the body.
The exact placement of the needles is important. Although acupuncture is widely
used in the Orient to treat a range of medical disorders, it is only used to
treat a few painful conditions in North America. No one knows exactly how
acupuncture works but there are a few anecdotal reports that the treatment may
help reduce pain and relieve vomiting.
for back pain is done on a weekly basis in an outpatient setting. Most
individuals require anywhere from 8-12 treatments. Each clinic visit can last
anywhere from 30-45 minutes
treatment of back pain with acupuncture is done when you are lying down in a
comfortable position. Most acupuncturist use single use sterile prepackaged
needle. The insertion of the needle does sting for a second but is not very
painful. When the needle reaches the appropriate depth one does feel the sting.
After insertion of needles, the needles are often rotated or stimulated with
either electricity or heat. Most people require anywhere from 10-15 needles per
treatment. Once the needles are in place, they are usually left in the location
anywhere for 5-25 minutes.
While there
are a lot of oriental theories on how acupuncture works, the western
concept is based on the belief that the needles most likely stimulate nerves or
muscles and this helps to relieve pain and possibly increases blood flow.
is widely used to treat back pain. It is never the sole treatment but used as
complimentary treatment to the conventional medical treatments. The majority of
reports on the effectiveness of acupuncture are anecdotal and most scientists
believe that the major effect of acupuncture is placebo based (meaning
it is all in the head).
nevertheless, is quite safe when performed by a skilled practitioner and has
few complications. It is widely available and may help relieve pain.
Individuals who do not like to take pills may find that acupuncture is a better
However, acupuncture
does have a few negatives. It should never be done in any individual with a
blood coagulation problem or has broken skin. There are many instances of needles
breaking inside the body and damaging internal organs. Further if the needles
are re-used (and they often are to save money), there is always the chance of
transmitting an infection process.
So before
you go and get acupuncture for your back pain, always ask for recommendations.
Check the training of the therapist and most important find out what is the
cost. The majority of medical insurance carriers and Medicare do not cover the
costs of acupuncture. And the treatment does not come cheap. Overall, less than
2% of people with chronic low back pain get benefit from acupuncture. You can
get the same benefit at home by asking your family member to put on a white
jacket and touching your back with a needle.
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