Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How do I know if my breast implant has ruptured?

The newer generation of silicone implants are pretty sturdy and do last a long time. However, that does not mean that rupture cannot occur. The majority of breast implant leaks occur after some type of trauma. Spontaneous rupture is very rare and most likely associated with a product defect. When there is a tiny rupture, the silicone may leak out. This will cause pain or you may feel a small bump on the breast. If the rupture is large you will see a change in the shape of the breast. The one thing you do not have to worry is that there is no evidence that silicone can cause any medical illness. All that has been disapproved today.

When a silicone implant is first inserted, the surrounding tissue forms dense adhesions around it-it sort of cements the implant and hence if there is small leak, you may not notice it immediately. However, with time you will feel a small bump, pain or change in the breast shape. Today, the diagnosis of a rupture implant can be made very easily with MRI (that test alone will cost you about $1,000). If the leak is small, you may just want to observe it. However, if the leak is large then the only choice is to have the implant removed and replaced. Mind you, if you decide not to have breast implants anymore, your breasts are going to sag big time. Hence, you will need to undergo a breast lift or some type of surgery to maintain the breast tone and symmetry. That will easily cost you another $5,000 or more.

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