Friday, December 26, 2014

Why do i have so many skin tags?

Can you tell me why I have so many skin tags on my neck?

Skin tags are benign skin lesions that can occur on any part of the body. Usually they are common in areas of the body where there is constant friction and rubbing of the skin. They tend to be common around the neck, underarms, and groin. Skin tags are never painful and are of only a cosmetic concern. Sometimes skin tags are common in families. They appear to be fleshy, about 2-5 mm and may rub and break down, or bleed.

Skin tags are not cancerous and do not require removal. Even though surgeons recommend removal, this is only for their economic benefit. Methods to remove skin tags include freezing them, laser, cutting them out, or applying heat. None of these method guarantee permanent cure and skin tags can recur. If your skin tag does not bother you, just leave it alone. There is no other method of removing skin tags except for the methods described. If the skin tag does not bother you, just leave it alone. Doctors recommend removal so that they can make easy money. Your life expectancy and quality of life will not be altered if you leave skin tags alone.

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