Saturday, December 27, 2014

Laser for varicose veins

Will my varicose veins disappear after laser treatment?

When you have the laser treatment, the majority of varicose veins in the upper leg (thigh area) will disappear for a short time. However, laser is not used to treat varicose veins in the lower leg. Even after treatment, the majority of people develop recurrence. Laser does not cure varicose veins; it simply removes them temporarily. Lasers have been hyped as a panacea for many medical disorders but in fact are over used and misused. Almost every doctor nowadays has a laser device in the office which he/she uses to zap patients. 

In the majority of cases, the laser is abused only to make money from gullible patients and scam insurance organizations.  

 If you have the money, you can have the laser treatment and it will get rid of the varicose vein in the thigh area. To prevent varicose vein recurrence you will need to wear compressions stockings for the rest of your life. If you do not have money for laser, wear compression stockings. Laser for varicose veins will cost anywhere from $400-$600 per leg. 

Remember, in many cases, the laser treatment is done by healthcare providers who have very little or no training in surgery and do not know anything about the anatomy of the leg. In fact, to make money, many doctors now have vein clinic and let junior doctors, physician assistants or nurses do part of the procedure. I have already reviewed many cases of severe injuries with laser used to treat varicose veins. My advice- seek a surgeon rather than a general doctor.

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